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"She turned into a young, black college man" (Black & White Dream series) 8 1/2" X 12" Chalk, crayon, pencil, colored pencil & mixed media on paper

"She was not mean. And the house was not haunted." (Black & White Dream series) 8 1/2" X 12" Chalk, crayon, pencil, colored pencil & mixed media on paper

"The elevator came down....(I could not see the numbers to press the correct buttons.)" (Black & White Dream series) 8 1/2" X 12" Chalk, crayon, pencil, colored pencil & mixed media on paper

"I looked under the bed....(and there were the other Christmas ornaments.)" 8 1/2" X 12" Chalk, crayon, pencil, colored pencil & mixed media on paper
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